(listed under the following headings)
Book Chapters
Refereed Journal Articles
Refereed Journal Editorial
Research Monographs
Policy Document
Incorporation into a Policy Document
Published Conference Papers
Unrefereed Journal Papers By Invitation
Short Stories
Annotated Bibliography
Art Exhibition Catalogue Essay
Book Reviews
Published Letters
Someone You Know: A Friend's Farewell , Adelaide: Wakefield Press, 1991. (new edition, 2002)
Girls Talk: Young Women Speak Their Hearts and Minds, Lane Cove, Sydney: Finch Publishing, 1998.
Tapestry: Italian Lives Over Five Generations, Milson’s Point, Sydney: Random House, 1999.
In Search of the Italian Australian into the New Millennium: Conference Proceedings co-edited with P. Genovesi, W. Musolino et al (2000) Thornbury: Gro-set Publications.
Boys’ Stuff: Boys Talking About What Matters, co-edited with Wayne Martino Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 2001.
So What’s A Boy? : Addressing Issues of Masculinity in Education with co-author Wayne Martino, London: Open University Press, in press, 2003
When Our Children Come Out: how to support gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered young people Sydney: Finch Publishing, 2005.
"Being Normal is the Only Thing To Be": Adolescents Perspectives on Gender at School , co-written with Wayne Martino, University of New South Wales Press, 2005.
Love You Two, Sydney: Random House, 2008.
Border Sexualities, Border Families in Schools, New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2010.
Pallotta-Chiarolli & B. Pease (eds) The Politics of Recognition and Social Justice: Transforming Subjectivities and New Forms of Resistance. London: Routledge (2014)
‘Outside Belonging’: Women in Relationships with Bisexual Men. New York: Lexington Books, scheduled for 2015.
Queerying Families of Origin co-edited with Chiara Bertone; Taylor & Francis Books, Oxfordshire, scheduled for 2015
Bisexuality in Education: Erasure, Exclusion by Inclusion, and the Absence of Intersectionality; (edited) London: Routledge, (2015)
Women in Relationships with Bisexual Men: Bi Men By Women. New York: Lexington Books, (2016).
“What About Me? Lesbians of Italian Background" in Karen Herne, Joanne Travaglia and Elizabeth Weiss (eds) (1992) Who Do You Think You Are? Second Generation Immigrant Women's Writing. Sydney: Women's Redress Press, pp 142-158.
"Connecting Landscapes of Marginality: AIDS and Sexuality Issues in the English Classroom" published in Wendy Parsons and Rob Goodwin (eds) (1994) Landscape and Identity:Perspectives From Australia, Centre for Children's Literature, University of South Australia and Auslib Press, Adelaide, pp 111-126.
"`Can I Write the Word GAY in My Essay?’” in Rollo Browne and Richard Fletcher (eds) (1995) Boys in Schools: Addressing the Issues , Lane Cove, Sydney: Finch Publishing, pp 66-81.
The `Real Voyage of Discovery': Auto/Biography, Reflexivity and Spiritual Journeying" in Micheal Griffiths and Rob Keating (eds) (1995) Religion, Literature and the Arts in Australia , Sydney: Australian Catholic University Press, pp 298- 309.
With a colleague Zlatko Skrbis, "Ethnicity, Sexuality and Gender: Authority, Compliance and Rebellion" in Jan McNamee and Leonie Rowan (ed) (1995) Voices of a Margin: Speaking For Yourself ,Rockhampton: University of Central Queensland Press, pp 94-105.
"`Mestizis': The Multiple Marginalities of Living In/Between Social Groups" in Jan McNamee and Leonie Rowan (ed) (1995) Voices of a Margin: Speaking For Yourself, Rockhampton: University of Central Queensland Press, pp 78-93.
"Choosing Not to Choose: Beyond Monogamy, Beyond Duality" in Kevin Lano and Claire Parry (ed) (1995) Breaking The Barriers of Desire, London: Five Leaves Publication, pp 41-67.
"`A Rainbow in My Heart': Negotiating Sexuality and Ethnicity" in Carmel Guerra and Rob White (eds) (1995) Ethnic Minority Youth in Australia: Challenges and Myths, Hobart: National Clearinghouse on Youth Studies, pp 133-146.
“Landscapes of Conflict and Integration: Negotiating Ethnicity, Gender and Sexuality in Relation to Mental and Emotional Health” in J. Larbalestier, Mary Spongberg, Margaret Winn (eds) (1996) Women.Sexuality.Culture. Sydney University Women’s Studies Centre and United Nations Development Fund, pp 80-95.
“A Rainbow in My Heart: Interweaving Ethnicity and Sexuality Studies” in Catherine Beavis and Louise Laskey (eds) (1996) Schooling and Sexualities: Teaching for a Positive Sexuality. Centre for Education and Change, Deakin University, pp 53-68.
" 'Educating Voula'/ La Mestiza Educating: Interweaving Cultural Multiplicity, Gender and Sexuality in Education" in Judith Gill and Maureen Dyer (eds) (1997) Schooldays Past, Present and Future Centre for Gender Studies, University of South Australia, pp 87-100.
“ ‘We Want To Address Boys Education But…’ “ in Jane Kenway (ed) (1997) Will Boys Be Boys? Boys Education In the Context of Gender Reform , Australian Curriculum Association Publication, 17-21.
“Multicultural Feminism” in Jan Larbalestier, Emma Grahame, et al (eds) (1998) Oxford Companion to Australian Feminism, London: Oxford Publishing.
"Diary Entries from the 'Teachers' Professional Development Playground': Multiculturalism meets Multisexualities in Education" in Gerard Sullivan and Peter Jackson (eds) (1999) Multicultural Queer: Australian Narratives New York: Haworth Press.
Out/Going Home’: Australian Girls and Young Women Interrogating Heterosexism
and Homophobia” in Lori Beckett(ed) (1998) Everyone is Special! A Handbook
For Teachers on Sexuality Education Brisbane: Association of Women Educators.
“ My Nonna” in S. Calwell and D. Johnson (eds) (1999) There’s
So Much More To Life Than Sex and Money New York and Ringwood, Vic, Penguin.
“‘Multicultural Does Not Mean Multisexual’: Social Justice and the Interweaving of Ethnicity and Sexuality in Australian Schooling”, in Debbie Epstein and James T. Sears (eds) (1999) A Dangerous Knowing: Sexual Pedagogies and the Master Narrative , London: Cassell.
Moving Days”: A Child’s Negotiation of Multiple Lifeworlds in Relation
to Gender, Ethnicity and Sexuality” in James T Sears and Will Letts (eds)
(1999) Queering Elementary Education: Advancing the Dialogue about Sexualities
and Schooling New York: Rowman &
“‘Coming Out/Going Home’: Australian Girls and Young Women Interrogating Racism and Heterosexism”, in Julie McLeod and Karen Malone (eds) (2000) Researching Youth, Hobart: Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies.
“Gender Performativity and Normalising Practices: exploring heteronormativity, heterosexism and transgenderism in the lives of young people at school” co-written with Wayne Martino in Felicity Haynes and Tarquam McKenna (eds) (2001) Unseen Genders: Beyond the Binaries. New York: Peter Lang.
“’It Don’t Come Naturally’: Teaching Heterosexuality in Schools” in Deborah Kelly (ed) Heterosexuality. (forthcoming 2003). Sydney: Pluto Press.
“Outside Belonging: Multi-Sexual Relationships as Border Existence” co-written with Sara Lubowitz in Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio (ed) (2003) Women and Bisexuality: A Global Perspective. New York: Haworth Press.
“From ‘Difference’ to ‘Diversity’: exploring the social determinants of youth health” in Helen Keleher & Berni Murphy (ed) Understanding Health: A Determinants Approach (forthcoming 2003). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
“Weaving Textual Tapestries: Weaving the ‘Italian Woman-Writer’ into the Social Fabric” in Susanna Scarparo & Rita Wilson (eds)(2004) Across Genres, Generations and Borders: Italian Women Writing Lives Newark: University of Delaware Press.“We’re the X-Files”: Bisexual Students “Messing Up Tidy Sex Files” in Keith Gilbert (ed) (2005) Sexuality, Sport and the Culture of Risk Oxford: Meyer and Meyer.
“Bisexual Youth” in James T Sears (ed) (2005) Youth, Education, and Sexualities: An international encyclopedia. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
“Disabilities, Physical” in James T Sears (ed) (2005) Youth, Education, and Sexualities: An international encyclopedia. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
“Ethnic Identity” in James T Sears (ed) (2005) Youth, Education, and Sexualities: An international encyclopedia. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
“Parents, Responses to Homosexuality” in James T Sears (ed) (2005) Youth, Education, and Sexualities: An international encyclopedia. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
“ ‘We Want To Address Boys Education But…’ “ in Colin Marsh (ed) (2005) Curriculum Controversies: Point and Counterpoint 1980- 2005, Canberra: Australian Curriculum Studies Association Publication.
“The Someone I Got To Know” in Tanja Lee Jones (ed) (2006) Gals With Gay Pals, Melbourne: Tanjable Press.
Schooling, Normalisation, and Gendered Bodies: Adolescent boys’ and girls’ experiences of gender and schooling” co-authored with Wayne Martino in Dennis Thiessen and Alison Cook-Sather (ed) (2007) International Handbook of Student Experience in Elementary and Secondary School, Springer: The Netherlands.
“You’re Not a Real Boy if You’re Disabled” : Boys Negotiating Physical Disability and Masculinity in schools" co-authored with Wayne Martino in Abby L. Ferber, Christina M. Jimenez, Andrea O'Reilly Herrera, Dena R. Samuels (eds) (2008) The Matrix Reader Examining the Dynamics of Oppression and Privilege New York: McGraw-Hill. page 124- 132.
‘Exclusion By Inclusion’: bisexual young people, marginalisation and mental health in relation to substance abuse’, co-written with Erik Martin, in Ann Taket, Beth R. Crisp, Annemarie Nevill, Greer Lamaro, Melissa Graham, and Sarah Barter-Godfrey (ed) Theorising Social Exclusion London: Routledge (2009)
"To Pass, Border or Pollute": Polyfamilies Go to School” in Meg Barker and Darren Langridge (eds) Understanding Non-Monogamies London: Routledge (2010).
‘Messing Up the Couples’ Cabinet’: On the ‘Queerly Mixed’ Borders of the ‘Residual’ and the ‘Emergent’ in the Marriage Debates” in Victor Marsh (ed) Speak Now: Australian Perspectives on Same-Sex Marriage Melbourne: Clouds of Magellan (2011)
“These Are Our Children”: polyamorous parenting” written with Peter
Haydon and Anne Hunter , in Abbie Goldberg and Katherine Allen (eds) LGBT-Parent Families: Innovations in Research and Implications for Practice (New York: Springer, 2013)
“Queerying Muslim Identities” written with Sekneh Beckett and Alyena Mohummadally in Abe Ata (ed) Educating Australians and the West about Muslims. Melbourne: David Lovell Publishing (2014).
“New Rules, No Rules, Old Rules or Our Rules””: Women Designing Mixed-Orientation Marriages with Bisexual Men” in M. Pallotta-Chiarolli & B. Pease (eds) The Politics of Recognition and Social Justice: Transforming Subjectivities and New Forms of Resistance . London: Routledge (2014)
“Recognition, Resistance and Reconstruction: An Introduction to Subjectivities and Social Justice” co-written with Bob Pease in M. Pallotta-Chiarolli & B. Pease (eds) The Politics of Recognition and Social Justice: Transforming Subjectivities and New Forms of Resistance. London: Routledge (2014)
“And Yet We Are Still Excluded”: Reclaiming Multicultural Queer Histories and Engaging with Contemporary Multicultural Queer Realities” co-written with Lian Low in Fethi Mansouri (ed) The Multicultural Challenge: Cultural, Religious and Political Contestations (forthcoming, 2014, Springer)
“The Problem Is That He’s A Man, Not That He’s Bisexual”: women discussing bi- masculinities and bi-misogyny” in Michael Flood & Richard Howson (eds) Engaging Men in Building Gender Equality. (forthcoming 2015, London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing)
"Facing Facebook: tertiary students consuming, producing and critically appraising media representations of contemporary health issues" with Teresa Capetola in Rebecca Goldstein and Laura Nicosia (eds) Through a Distorted Lens: Media as Curricula and Pedagogy in the 21st Century. (forthcoming, 2015: New York, Sense Publishers)
“And Yet We Are Still Excluded”: Reclaiming Multicultural Queer Histories and Engaging with Contemporary Multicultural Queer Realities” co-written with Lian Low in Fethi Mansouri (ed) The Multicultural Challenge: Cultural, Religious and Political Contestations (2015, Springer)
“The Problem Is That He’s A Man, Not That He’s Bisexual”: women discussing bi- masculinities and bi-misogyny” in Michael Flood & Richard Howson (eds) Engaging Men in Building Gender Equality. (2015, London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing)
"Supporting Same-Sex Attracted and Gender Diverse Young People of Multicultural and Multifaith Backgrounds", December 2016.
"From Coercion to Choice: Second Generation Women Seeking a Personal Identity in the Italo-Australian Setting" in Journal Of Intercultural Studies Vol.10 No.1, 1989, pp 49-61.
"The Female Stranger in a Boys' School" in Gender and Education United Kingdom Vol.2 No.2, 1990, pp 169-183.
"Inscribing AIDS and Sexuality: Who Has the Right to Write? Who Listens?" in Australian Multicultural Book Review, Vol.2, No.2, 1994: 57-61.
"Butch Minds The Baby: Boys Minding Masculinity in the English Classroom" in Interpretations: Journal of the Western Australian English Teachers' Association. Vol.27, No.2, 1994: 96-111.
"Authority, Compliance and Rebellion in Second-Generation Individuals From Cultural Minorities" (a joint paper with Zlatko Skrbis) Australia New Zealand Journal of Sociology Vol.30, No. 3, November 1994: 259-272.
“ ‘Only Your Labels Split Me’: Interweaving Ethnicity and Sexuality Studies” in English in Australia, Vol.112, July, 1995: 33-44.
“ ‘Mestizaje”: Interweaving Cultural Multiplicity and Gender Codes in English Studies”, in Interpretations: Journal of the English Teachers’ Association of Western Australia. Vol.28, No.2, 1995: 56-73.
“Inclusive Education is More Than Multicultural Education”, Independent Education New South Wales and Victorian Independent Education Unions, Vol.26, No.1, 1996: 23-25.
“Landscapes of Conflict and Negotiation: Health Services, Ethnicities and Sexualities”, in Social Alternatives, Vol.15, No.4, 1996: 23-24.
“Only Your Labels Split The Confusion: Of Impurity and Unclassifiability”, Critical Inqueeries, Vol.1, No.2, 1996: 97-118.
" 'We Want To Address Boys' Education But...' " in Curriculum Perspectives: Australian Curriculum Studies Association, Vol 17, No 1, 1997: 65-68.
" 'Educating Voula'/ Voula Educating: Interweaving Ethnicity, Gender and Sexuality in Education" in Education Links No. 54, 1997: 16-18.
"The Boys and The Binaries: Within, Between and Beyond Oppositions in Boys' Education Debates"" in Social Alternatives, Vol. 16, No.3, 1997: 35-38.
“Diary Entries from the 'Teachers' Professional Development Playground': Multiculturalism meets Multisexualities in Education”. Journal of Homosexuality Vol.36, No. ¾, 1999.
“‘Coming Out/Going Home’: Australian Girls and Young Women
Interrogating Racism and Heterosexism”, Women’s Studies Journal
1999, 15(2): 71-88.
“Living the Rainbow: interweaving cultural and sexual diversity” in Migration Action, Vol.XXI, No.3, 1999:16-25.
“What Do They Think? Queerly Raised and Queer Friendly Students”, Youth Studies Australia, 2000, 19(4): 34-40.
“Outside Belonging: Multi-Sexual Relationships as Border Existence” (a joint paper with Sara Lubowitz) Journal of Bisexuality forthcoming, 2002: 3(1).
“Boys and Girls Talking About What Matters: Student Voice as Text in the English Classroom” ( a joint paper with Wayne Martino) English in Australia forthcoming, 2002: No. 135
‘Men are tougher, bigger, and they don’t act real girlie’: Indigenous boys defining and interrogating masculinities’ ( a joint paper with Wayne Martino) Balayi (international) forthcoming 2003: 6
“On the Borders of Sexuality Research: young people who have sex with both males and females”, Journal of Gay and Lesbian Issues in Education (international) Vol 3, No 2-3, 2006, 79-86.
“Polyparents having children, raising children, schooling children”, Lesbian and Gay Psychology Review (international), Vol. 7, No.1, 2006; pp48-53.
“Presenting A Sampler of How Diversity is Lived and Loved” Guest Editorial, Gay and Lesbian Issues and Psychology Vol. 4(1), 2008, p 2-6.
“International Perspectives on Bisexuality: An Introduction” guest editorial co-written with Ron Fox and Leo Goetstouwers, Journal of Bisexuality 8(1-2), 2008, pp 3-8.
““Which Sexuality? Which Service?” Bisexual Young People’s Experiences with Youth, Queer, and Mental Health Services.” The Journal of LGBT Youth, co-written with Erik Martin, forthcoming, Vol. 6, Nos. 2-3 (2009).
“The C Words”: Clitorises, Childhood and Challenging Compulsory Heterosexuality Discourses with Pre-service Primary Teachers”, co-written with Greg Curran and Steph Chiarolli, Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. Special Issue: Queering Elementary Education: The State of the Art Ten Years Later , 2009, Vol. 9, No. 2: 155-168.
“The Boys on The Sexual Borders” in Thymos: Journal of Boyhood Studies 2009; 3(2): 129-136.
“Commercial sex work, survival sex, sexual violence and HIV/AIDS prevention in Arumeru District, Arusha Region of Tanzania”, co-written with Andre Renzaho, The Open Tropical Medicine Journal 2009, Vol.2: 27-38.
“I can’t wait to leave school so I can get educated: bisexual girls speak out” in Redress: Journal of the Association of Women Educators , (2011) 20(2):2-9.
“You’re Too Queer for the Straights and Now Too Queer for the Gays!” in Journal of Bisexuality 2011, Vol 11, No.4: 566-570.
“Putting Families of Origin into the Queer Picture”, co-written with Chiara Bertone in Journal of GLBT Family Studies (Vol 10, Issue 1-2, 2014)
“Erasure, Exclusion by Inclusion, and the Absence of Intersectionality: Bisexuality in Education” in Journal of Bisexuality (Vol 14, Issue 1, 2014)
Special Edition of Redress: Journal of the Association of Women Educators “Sexuality and Education”, 9(2): 2000
Special Edition of Gay and Lesbian Issues and Psychology “Living and Loving in Diversity”: Interweaving Sexualities, Genders and Ethnicities”, (Vol 4, No 1, 2008).
Special Edition of Journal of Bisexuality, 8(1/2), 2008 “Visibilities and Visions: International Perspectives on Bisexuality”, co-edited with Ron Fox and Leo Goetstouwers .
Special Edition of Journal of GLBT Family Studies, co-edited with Dr Chiara Bertone, 10(1-2) 2014: “Putting Families of Origin into the Queer Picture”.
Special Edition of Journal of Bisexuality, 14(1) 2014: “Bisexuality in Education”.
"Beyond the Myth of the `Good Italian Girl'" in Multicultural Australia Papers, Monograph No.64, 1989, Ecumenical Migration Centre, Victoria.
"From Coercion to Choice: the Personal Identity of the Second Generation Italo-Australian Adolescent Girl" in Multicultural Australia Papers Monograph No.68, 1990, Ecumenical Migration Centre, Victoria.
"Negotiating Ethnicity, Gender and Sexuality: The Personal Identity Formation of Lesbians of Non-English Speaking Backgrounds" M.A. in Women's Studies Thesis published as a monograph in Multicultural Australia Papers No. 73, 1994, Ecumenical Migration Centre, Victoria.
Cultural Diversity and Men Who Have Sex With Men, Report for the Public Health Unit of the Commonwealth Department of Health and Family Services based on a Commonwealth-funded national audit with health services, support services, key researchers and health practitioners. July, 1998. National Centre in HIV Social Research, Uni of NSW
‘Too Busy Studying to Have Sex’?: Homosexually Active Asian Male International Students and Sexual Health Report for the Public Health Unit of the Commonwealth Department of Health and Family Services based on a Commonwealth-funded national audit with health services, support services, key researchers and health practitioners. August, 1999. National Centre in HIV Social Research, Uni of NSW.
Reading Like Dick and Dora, Living Like Maria and Wei Tung: Literacy Learning and the Congruence of Home and School (Disadvantaged Schools Program, New South Wales Department of Education, 2001).
Addressing the Educational Needs of Boys, Commonwealth Govt DETYA Research and Consultancy Report (2002) with Lori Beckett, Bob Lingard, Wayne Martino, Bob Meyenn, Martin Mills.
The Burwood Campus from the Perspectives of Students Who Have Disabilities (2004) with John Annison and Jenny Bartlett, a Higher Education Equity Program (HEEP) funded research and report for Deakin University
Policy Document
South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools Gender and Equity Policy ,
S.A. Catholic Education Office, 1993.
A 10 page document distributed to all South Australian Catholic schools and
associated groups, and to Catholic Education Offices and associated groups throughout
Incorporation into a Policy Document:
“Cultural Bridges or Walkovers? Improving the Outcomes of Girls Who Benefit Least From Schooling: A Special Focus on Girls Experiencing Cultural Conflict” in Gender Equity: A Framework For Australian Schools, MCEETYA, Canberra, 1997.
"A Multicultural Approach to Literacy Education" in the New South Wales Department of School Education Girls and Boys in Schools: Gender Equity Strategy 1996-2001.
"Gender Issues and the Education of Boys: Methodologies and Resources" in Gender and Equity Co-ordinators' National Conference Papers, National Catholic Education Commission, October, 1992, unnumbered.
"Inscribing AIDS and Sexuality: Who Has the Right to Write? Who Listens?" in A Queer Collation: Papers from the Inaugural Queerlit National Conference , NSW Writers' Centre, August, 1993, unnumbered.
"Landscapes of Conflict and Integration: Emotional and Mental Health issues for Women of Non-English Speaking Backgrounds in Relation to Gender and Sexuality", Health for Multicultural Australia National Conference Papers, Sydney University and Southern Sydney Area Health Services, November, 1993, unnumbered.
"A Terrain of Intervention and Resistance: AIDS and Sexuality Issues in the English Classroom" in Realising the Future, Australian Association of the Teachers of English National Conference, Perth, July 1994, pp 91- 106.
“Cultural Bridges or Walkovers? Improving the Outcomes of Girls Who Benefit Least From Schooling: A Special Focus on Girls Experiencing Cultural Conflict” in Gender Equity: Proceedings of the Promoting Gender Equity Conference, February 22-24, Canberra, DEET, 1995, pp 263- 278.
“Too Queer and Too Straight”: Ethnicities, Sexualities and Publishing” in Another Cold Collation, Proceedings of the Queerlit Conference, August 26-27, NSW Writers’ Centre, 1995, unnumbered.
"Transcending the Reality/Fantasy Divide: The Invisible Relationship Alternatives in Relation to Gender and Sexuality" in Fantasy and Reality in Relationships: the Gender Dilemma, Australian Association of Marriage and Family Counsellors, 7th National Conference, University of Queensland, July 1995: 160-173.
"Truth or Fiction: Writing Narrative in Research", Joint paper with Pieter Aquilia for the Association of University Writing Programmes First Annual Conference, University of Technology, Sydney, October 11th-13th, 1996, pp 193-200.
"Landscapes of Conflict, Negotiation and Integration: Health Services and the Intersections of Ethnicities and Sexualities" in Out There Too: Social Research and Practice Forum on Health, Sexuality and HIV/AIDS. Adelaide, March 14-15, 1996. HIV/AIDS Progress Unit, SA Health Commission, pp 115-126.
"Holding the Hand and Not Chaining the Soul": Relationship Commitments and 'Geographical Promiscuity' " in Towards a Technical 2000- Relationships With a Future, Australian Association of Marriage and Family Counsellors, 8th National Conference, University of Adelaide, 13-17 April, 1997: unnumbered.
“HIV, Sexual Health and International Students at Australian Universities”, 8th International Student Advisers’ Network of Australia Proceedings, 3rd-5th December, 1997, Melbourne, Hilton on the Park, 219-233.
“You Can’t Be Gay, You’re Italian” in P. Genovesi, W. Musolino, M. Pallotta-Chiarolli et al (eds) (2000) In Search of the Italian Australian into the New Millennium: Conference Proceedings Melbourne 24th –26th, Thornbury: Gro-set Publications, pp 543-551.
“Exploring Identity and Community Through the Arts and Culture” in P. Genovesi, W. Musolino, M. Pallotta-Chiarolli et al (eds) (2000) In Search of the Italian Australian into the New Millennium: Conference Proceedings Melbourne 24th –26th, Thornbury: Gro-set Publications, pp 799-806.
“The meeting of cultures” in Children’s Book Council of Australia (2004) Island Journeys: A Quest For Inspiration: Conference Proceedings. Hobart, 2nd-5th October, 2003
“My journey” in Children’s Book Council of Australia (2004) Island Journeys: A Quest For Inspiration: Conference Proceedings. Hobart, 2nd-5th October, 2003
Unrefereed Journal Papers By Invitation
"Gender Issues and the Education of Boys" in Catholic Ethos No.7, 1992, pp 2-3.
"From `Universalism' to `Unity in Diversity': Feminist Responses to the Intersections of Ethnicity, Sexuality and Gender" in Lilith: A Feminist History Journal , No.8, Summer, 1993, pp 41-50.
"Access and Equity: Multiculturalism and HIV/AIDS" in AIDS Awareness Week Bulletin (AFAO) October, No.1, 1994, pp 4.
"It's Not My Death I'm Worried About", AIDS Awareness Week Bulletin, (AFAO) December, No. 2, 1994, p 2.
"Educating the Person: Gender and Equity Issues in Catholic Schools" in Conference: Journal of Catholic Education Conference, Vol. 11, No.2, May, 1994, pp 22-24.
"Educating the Person: Implementing Gender and Equity Action in Catholic Schools" in Conference: Journal of Catholic Education Conference. Vol.11, No.3, 1994, pp 7-9.
"Women" in Tarantella: Women's Suffrage Centenary Edition No.3, 1994, pp 29-38.
Passionate Women Addressing the Catholic Church: In Memory of Nora McManus"
in Sounding Sophia, Winter, 1994, 12-19.
" Butch Minds The Baby: Boys Minding Masculinity in the English Classroom"
in Opinion: South Australian English Teachers’Journal. Vol. 24, No.4,
1995, pp 44-50.
“Boys And Literacy: Some Issues, Concerns and Strategies” in SLAV Newsbulletin. Vol.25, No.3, 1995. School Library Association of Victoria, pp 9-10.
“Remarkable and Passionate Women: In Memory of Nora McManus” in Women-Church: Australian Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion No.16, Autumn, 1995, 23-25.
“Multiculturalism meets Multisexualities”, Biverse (Sydney Bisexual Network) Vol.2, No.11, 1995: 2-5
“Multiculturalism meets Multisexualities:Forging Our Own Relationship Patterns”, National Biways (Australian Bisexual Network)Vol.5, No.23, 1996: 16-18
"Landscapes of Conflict and Integration: Health Services and Second-Generation Women of non-English Speaking Backgrounds", Lilith Feminist History Journal, No.9, 1996, pp 78-97.
"To Be Or Not Or Both Or Neither (or Stories From the Real World)" in Screaming Hyena No. 8, Summer, 1996-1997: 24-26.
“Poly Lives: Significant Others”, Polyamoury (UK Polyamory Network) No.1, 1997: 2-3
“When Religious Liberty is Religious Bigotry”, Campaign No.264, March 1998: 28-30.
“When Labels Do Too Much and Too Little”, Campaign No. 268, July, 1998: 20-21.
“School’s Out”, Melbourne Star Observer July 9th, 1999: 3
“Introducing The Global Girl”, The Star Vol.13, No.2, 1999: 4-5
“Cultural Identity and Community”, The Ethnic Broadcaster Winter 2000: 24-27
“The Chance to Explore”: Boys wanting to Talk About What matters” Teacher Learning Network vol 8(3): 2001: 32-35.
“Polyparents Having Children, Raising Children, Schooling Children”, Loving More (US), 31: 2002: 8-12.
“Bi Men By Women”: Women’s Relationships With Men Who Have Sex with Men, (co-written with Sara Lubowitz) Bent No. 2: 2003.
“How Do We Debate, and With Whom?”, Redress: Journal of the Association of Women Educators , 13(3): 16-20, 2005
“Homophobic Harassment is Not A Catholic Value” in Touching Hearts: the Lasallian magazine , 19: 2005
in Meanjin Vol.50 No.4, 1991 pp 597-599.
" Pigeon-holed" and “Roses” in Peter Moss (1994) (ed)
Voicing The Difference , Adelaide: Wakefield Press, pp 63-70 and 141-147 respectively.
"Pigeon-holed" in Lizz Murphy (ed) (1994) She's A Train and She's Dangerous: Women Alone in the 1990s Kalamanda: Literary Mouse Press, pp 245-250.
"Iraqueensland" in Nuovo Paese: The Italo-Australian Journal, Vol.21, No. 5, June, 1994, pp 20-21.
"An Italian Family: Generations of Unity, Difference and Resistance" in Migration Action, Vol. 16, No.1, May, 1994, pp 11-17.
“Mardi Gras: An Old-Fashioned Love Story" in Kevin Lano & Clare Parry (1995) Breaking The Barriers of Desire London: Five Leaves Publication, pp 26-32..
“Yoni” in Stephanie Holt and Maryanne Lynch (eds) (1996) Motherlode: A Feminist Anthology on Mothering Melbourne: Sybylla Feminist Press, pp 195-208.
“Insane With Desire” in Wayne Martino (ed) (1997) First Australians/New Australians South Fremantle: Fremantle Arts Press, 64-66.
"Wedding Dresses" in Australian Women's Book Review, Vol. 9, no. 1, Autumn, 1997, pp 19-20.
“After Midnight, A Morning” in Hecate, 2008, 34(1): 52- 54.
Up" in Hecate Vol.17 No.2, 1991 pp 167.
" To My Father" in Nuovo Paese: The Italo-Australian Journal , Vol.21,
No.2, March, 1994, pp 20.
Up" and "For Malloy, who wants to write" in Lizz Murphy (ed)
(1994) She's A Train and She's Dangerous: Women Alone in the 1990s, Kalamanda:
Literary Mouse Press,
pp 57, 195-196 respectively.
“Long Black Hair: I Remember” in Hecate ,Vol.21, No.2, 1995, pp 79-82.
“To My Father” in Giuseppe Mammone (ed) (1996) I Clandestini: Poems By Italo-Australian Writers , Adelaide: FILEF publication, pp 61.
Making Love", in Petite Morte (Internet, 1996)
For the Petite Morte home page:
“Bed-Womb” in Jo Chumas (ed) (1997) Lush, Melbourne: 8d Publications, pp 1-2.
Interweaving: A Gender and Culture Inclusive Annotated Bibliography (1993) Multicultural
Education Co-ordinating Committee; Tertiary Multicultural Education Committeee;
and MARIA Professional Development Group for Women from Non English Speaking
Background in Education. A South Australian Women's Suffrage Centenary Publication.
Art Exhibition Catalogue Essay
"Mestiza Visions: Reflecting/Resisting/Synthesizing/ Transcending" art catalogue essay to accompany South Australian Women's Suffrage Centenary Three Multi-Disciplinary Art Exhibitions co-ordinated/edited by Larissa Hjorth, 30th August- 27th October, 1994.
“Travelling in the Landscape of the Everyday: A Review of Clarissa Stein’s NOTES FROM MY LAND” in Australian Women’s Book Review , Vol. 7: No 3/4, 1995, 43-44.
"Contextualization and 'Reasonable Guesses' in Multicultural History: A Review of Charles D'Aprano's FROM GOLDRUSH TO FEDERATION: ITALIANS IN VICTORIA", Australian Multicultural Book Review Vol.4, No.1, 1996, pp 57-61.
" 'Sand Ballet' or the Dancing Between and Within, a review of Clarissa Stein's SAND BALLET”, Australian Multicultural Book Review Vol. 5, No.1, 1997, pp 76-78.
“Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli’s Favourite Multisexual Tomes”, Screaming Hyena No.11, 1997, p 40.
“Review of MASCULINITY GOES TO SCHOOL (P. Gilbert and R. Gilbert) and SCHOOLING SEXUALITIES (D. Epstein and R. Johnson)”,Australian Educational Researcher Vol. 26, No.1, 1999: 98-103.
“Take Four Pioneering Poly Women”: A Review of Three Classical Texts on Polyamory”, Journal of Bisexuality , 2004, 4(3/4): 229-234.
“Take Four Pioneering Poly Women”: A Review of Three Classical Texts on Polyamory”, in Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio (ed) 2004 Plural Loves: Designs for Bi and Poly Living, New York: Harrington Park Press.
“Inclusion with Specificity”: A Review of Becoming Visible: Counseling Bisexuals Across the Lifespan by Beth Firestein” in Journal of Bisexuality , 2011, 11(1): 141-143.
"Gays Need Their Own Voice" in Australian Author Vol.24, No.1, 1992
"Straight and Narrow" in The Independent Monthly Feb, 1992.
"A Mum's Story" in Adelaide GT, 1992.
"Error in a Quotation" in SA Catholic, December, 1993.
"Catholic Voice" in BrotherSister, No. 129, April 3rd, 1997.
“Diverse Community” in Australian Catholics, Spring, 1997.
“Married and Gay” in Capital Q, Sydney 23rd May, 1997.
“Bad Boys Confusion” in Sunday Herald Sun June 1st, 2003
“Dogs Behaving Badly”, in Herald Sun.
“Sole Searcher” in The Age, Good Weekend Magazine August 27th, 2011